MTC Generic Graduates Attributes

The programmes at MTC are designed to achieve Generic Graduates Attributes derived from the hallmarks of the graduates of our international academic partner, the University of Portsmouth, the UK Engineering Council (AHEP) learning outcomes, the Oman Qualification Framework (OQF) level descriptors, as well as the attributes of the employees of the Oman Armed Forces stakeholders.

Generic Atrributes are developed over the course of the student learning journey through three concurrent programmes; the academic programme that leads to an academic qualification, the Training Needs Analysis and Department Specific Activities programme which is tailored towards the Ministry of Defence stakeholders’ needs in terms of professional competencies, and finally, the Military Training Programme that fosters military values, physical and mental fitness.

Generic Atrributes of MTC graduates are categorized into six characteristics or learning areas as follows:

Subject and Discipline

    • Have a critical and reflective knowledge and understanding of their subject, with both the ability and readiness to question its principles, practices and boundaries (UoP).

    • Think independently, analytically, and creatively, and engage imaginatively with new areas of investigation within and across discipline boundaries (UoP).

    • Demonstrates general knowledge of the essential legal environment and relevant regulatory frameworks for the occupation, professional or academic field (OQF).

Personal Competencies

    • Be effective team players, able to provide leadership, time management and to support the success of others (UoP).

    • Be able to communicate clearly and effectively, in a range of forms and to different audiences (UoP).

    • Have an enterprising spirit, bringing innovation and productivity to the groups and communities to which they belong (UoP).
    • Be able to select and apply appropriate research methods and techniques (OQF).
    • Use advanced cognitive and technical skills, including numeracy calculations, to independently analyse broadly defined/complex problems and devise appropriate solutions (OQF).

Society and Citizenship

    • Be able to synthesise new and existing knowledge to generate ideas and develop creative solutions of benefit to the economy and society (UoP).

    • Be intellectually curious, embrace challenges and seize opportunities for development (UoP).

    • Be able to locate, access and critically engage with information, using current and emerging digital technologies (UoP).

    • Be informed citizens, with a sense of responsibility allied to a commitment to ethical practice, values, and social justice issues, such as equality, respect and sustainability (UoP).

Personal Development

    • Be able to work in a range of environments, responding positively to new situations by being aware, flexible, adaptable and realistic in their expectations (UoP).

    • Be proactive in recognising and addressing personal development needs, and able to make informed career decisions (UoP).

Technical and Vocational Competency (TNA)

    • Be able to apply knowledge and hand-on and technical skills in performing specialized tasks in a particular field of occupation or trade.

    • Be able to use appropriate manuals, tools, equipment, software, or methodologies to maintain, diagnose and solve systems or equipment failures and defects.

    • Be able to understand and apply safety standards relevant to their field of work.

Military Proficiency (Applies to Military Students)

    • Be disciplined and abide by the military code of conduct and the ability to follow orders.
    • Be physically fit and meet or exceed the physical standards set by the military, ensuring readiness for the demands of Oman Armed Forces.
    • Adhere to the highest standards of honesty, moral, ethical values, and profound sense of responsibility.

The MTC is currently mapping the coverage of the GAs of the OQF, the TNA, and the Military Proficiency within the programmes documentations. It is noteworthy that the coverage of the UoP Hallmarks overlaps with various OQF attributes. The MTC Learning and Teaching Strategy maps the characteristics of different reference points for GAs.   

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